Submitted by Sara on 12 June 2017 - 9:03pm
Mukerji, Meenakshi
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Model type:
Flowers & Plants
Paper ratio:
Paper: square with a side length of 25 cm, colored with acrylics
Model: diameter of 10 cm
Submitted by jennifer.gerring (not verified) on 5 August 2017 - 4:17pm Permalink
Thank you Sara and Meenakshi for sharing the sunflower
Thank you for sharing the wonderful sunflower design and video, I'm going to fold it today. Please tell me what type of paper to use. Thanks again!
Submitted by Sara on 5 August 2017 - 9:09pm Permalink
Thin paper
Thin paper works best. I've also folded it from kami, but be sure to use a larger sheet then.
Best wishes and happy folding,
-- Sara
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