Submitted by Sara on 12 December 2010 - 8:23pm
Adams, Sara
Model type:

These don't show all I made, but it's a good selection. I've now got 15 cards done. I do already have 15 people in mind for those cards, and have a couple more in mind. I need to make at least two more, but I believe for this weekend I've made enough. :)
P.S. Ok, I did do two more. But right now I've got 17 names/families on my list, so I might be done now. :)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 13 December 2010 - 1:15am Permalink
You sure made a lot of cards, in my opinion, I think you made enough.:) I need to start thinking of gifts for my family (which will be kind of a hard time because I'm only 10 with not a lot of experience).
Submitted by kkim (not verified) on 14 December 2010 - 1:30am Permalink
Hello Sara, I was wondering if you would make a video on your eagle because I am not good at following diagrams and I don't get some steps. Please reply. :-)
Submitted by Sara on 15 December 2010 - 8:45am Permalink
Next year?
Not this month, I don't think.
I've been avoiding making that video, mostly because there are so many models out there that I want to show, and I think they're much better than the eagle I designed...
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 19 December 2010 - 3:36pm Permalink
Origami Nativity Scene?
Hey, sorry to change the subject, but would you know where I could a find good Origami "Nativity Scene"? I've looked all over the web, nothing :(, but the one on pajarita. Any great or suggested sites?
Submitted by Sara on 19 December 2010 - 6:36pm Permalink
Why not put together your own scene?
Do you mean the nativity scene as seen in http://www.pajarita.... ?
John Montroll has a nativity scene in his book "Christmas Origami": http://www.giladorig... and
Dave Brill has "Three Wise Men" diagrammed in his book Brilliant Origami: It also includes a Christmas Tree Fairy and a star. (And, if you like, santa on a sledge with reindeers.)
If you don't mind German diagrams, Klaus-Dieter Ennen has a complete nativity scene in his book "Weihnachtliches Origami": (see for a preview - the diagrams basically have no text, and should thus be accessible to non-German speakers).
Also, you can always put together your own nativity scene. It should be easy enough to find some animals, an angel, two human figures, a cradle, a star, or whatever you want to be part of the scene. Then you can select all the models you like best.
-- Sara
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