BOS Spring 2009 Convention: Session preview


I did my best gluing together some pictures to give you a sense of what the session preview table looked like. [Yes, I tweaked the colour of the table cloth a bit...] Below is a rough overview of what was taught when. I hope no errors creeped in!

Session 1
Nun (Kunihiko Kasahara) taught by Stephen Watson
Car (Mark Bolitho) taught by Mark Bolitho
Last Waltz (Neal Elias) taught by Dave Venables (long session)

Session 2
Red Cardinal (Roman Diaz) taught by Mark Robinson
Snow Cube, Pecking Bird (Nick Robinson) taught by Nick Robinson
22.5 Degree Grid Rose (Toshikazu Kawasaki) taught by Sara Adams (long session)

Session 3
Exploration and Discussion of Robert Harbin notebooks, led by Mick Guy
Flower Dish (Loes Schakel-Sandifort) taught by Loes Schakel-Sandifort

Session 4
Cat (Max Hulme) taught by Max Hulme
Rabbit and a Top Hat (Edwin Corrie) taught by Wendy Lowes
Squirrel (Komatsu Hideo) taught by Dennis Walker

Session 1
Stellar Snap (Jorge Pardo) taught by Jorge Pardo
Skier (Robert Harbin) taught by Mick Dilkes (long session)
Human Figure Workshop led by Mark Leonard (long session)

Session 2
Letter Folds (various creators) taught by Louise Warren

Session 3
Penguin, Belt in a Buckle (both Robert Harbin) taught by Tom Giles
Flower with Stem (Sharon Turvey) taught by Sharon Turvey
Lion Mask (Victoria Serova) taught by David King (long session)

Session 4
Various Robert Harbin models taught by Michael Formstone
Santa Ana Bowl (Boaz Shuval) taught by David Bogod


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