Submitted by Sara on 1 November 2008 - 2:11am
LaFosse, Michael
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Low intermediate
Model type:
Sea Life
Paper ratio:

Paper: 15cm square of Kraft paper
Finished model: 9cm length, 2.5cm height, 3cm width
Submitted by Furnace Filters (not verified) on 3 November 2008 - 2:33pm Permalink
Very creative, but does it
Very creative, but does it really look like the koi fish??
Submitted by Child of Ra (not verified) on 4 November 2008 - 8:36pm Permalink
Maybe a seal...
...but it's still better than anything I could come up with...Sara, take a look a this:
Tell me what you think, is it hard? Can you fold it? Can I?
Submitted by regnar89 (not verified) on 29 November 2008 - 12:37am Permalink
have you tried wet folding? i have that same book and it has a section about wet folding and i must say it is worth it when you wetfold
Submitted by Paul@Hobby Lion (not verified) on 2 March 2009 - 12:23pm Permalink
Yes it looks like a Koi, or
Yes it looks like a Koi, or a stealth fighter jet.
Submitted by Chandra Wijaya (not verified) on 30 April 2009 - 6:42am Permalink
It does not looks like a koi
It does not looks like a koi fish to me. Its looks like a plane.. :D
But its nice...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 2 October 2009 - 8:06am Permalink
Model is meant to be viewed
Model is meant to be viewed from above.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 2 October 2009 - 8:13am Permalink
The side view does not do the model justice. In his book , Michael Lafosse says he designed the model to be viewed from above ,just as though you were gazing at them into the pond from a stepping stone.
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