Submitted by Sara on 11 October 2012 - 9:52am
Cleve Christensen, Anine
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Low intermediate
Model type:
Paper ratio:
Non-square Rectangle
Review of the paper used:

This is a wonderful twist box designed by Anine Cleve Christensen.
What makes it so special? By twisting the lid, the box opens, revealing that box and lid are folded from a single sheet. When folded from duo paper the lid also has a different color than the box. Pretty awesome!
Paper: 19cm by 15cm rectangle of Elephant Hide, 190gsm, painted copper/bronze with Acrylic paint
Model: 3.8cm wide, 3.8cm deep, 4.0cm high
Submitted by Jay Origami (not verified) on 11 October 2012 - 8:53pm Permalink
why dont you make a tutorial?
why dont you make a tutorial?
Submitted by Sara on 12 October 2012 - 3:40pm Permalink
We'll see, depends on what Anine says to my proposal. I did send her an email a couple of days ago.
-- Sara
Submitted by Randy Tuke (not verified) on 26 October 2012 - 7:43am Permalink
Twist Box
This is a cool box!! I used the crease pattern and was able to make it. I also made a hexigon box using the same thought process.
Submitted by J.Ignacio Royo ... (not verified) on 5 November 2012 - 4:27pm Permalink
I know that box... by Écija!
It is a great box, but it has already been invented years ago by Spanish folder Ángel Écija, great creator of clever/action models. I know that diagrams have been published in at least two publications (a special AEP mag and a 2010 book by V.Palacios).
Great ideas use to be simple and independent re-inventions usually happen ;-)
By the way: I love the metallic aspect of the paper you used: the acrylic paint over elephant hide looks great.
Submitted by Mohsen Moossavi (not verified) on 2 June 2014 - 8:02am Permalink
Hi dear Sara
very thanks for nice inter-educe origami
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