Submitted by Sara on 23 September 2007 - 11:34pm
Kamiya, Satoshi
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
High intermediate
Model type:
Paper ratio:

You might be tempted to call this model "chocobo", for obvious reasons.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 2 April 2008 - 2:58am Permalink
Well folded Sara
I cant get the legs to look so good, but then again, the paper is not the best. Do you think that it is a high intermediate model?
Submitted by Darden (not verified) on 1 October 2008 - 2:23pm Permalink
Best kind of paper for folding...
What kind of paper would you best recommend for complex origamis like Satoshi Kamiya's ?
I attempted the yellow bird several times. The legs always tend to get too separated, and the birds can barely stand still.
I liked your site a lot and feel like visiting it frequently.
Thanks for the attention.
Submitted by Zarbon (not verified) on 27 October 2008 - 8:13pm Permalink
Outstanding chocobo I see many people can't make the legs of the chocobo in a way to stand tall, well you seem to have made it!
Thanks for those videos you've made (pretty difficult, but I never stop trying!)
Final Fantasy IS my favourite game series and also my favourite hobby is origami (and drawing, useless informartion :P), thus it isn't a surprise that the "chocobo yellow bird" or whatever really fascinates me.
Plz, please, pretty please make a video on an origami chocobo, I hope Satoshi gives you permission, 'cause your videos are great and the chocobo is great so (right there I stop talking to take a breath - oof!)... (can't think of anything else right now)
Have a happy folding!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 7 December 2008 - 5:22am Permalink
Why don't you try
to create a chocobo out of a relatively larger paper. it'll increase your chances to fold the crimps at the toes. :)
Submitted by HEITOR (not verified) on 15 December 2008 - 9:13pm Permalink
You could show me how can I do the steps 48-51 please
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 13 February 2010 - 11:53pm Permalink
Nice fold, I also folded this
Nice fold, I also folded this model. check it out at my website here: http://geirogami.wee...
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 26 February 2010 - 7:10am Permalink
Does anyone have the diagrams to this astonishing piece of work?
I cant get hold of Satoshi Kamiya's book, but I am desperate to fold it!
Can anyone help me??
Submitted by Sara on 26 February 2010 - 9:24am Permalink
Sources for the book
You can buy the book online, I've listed two different resources in the internet that sell it. Simply check the links above the image labelled with "Diagrams".
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 26 March 2010 - 4:48pm Permalink
Sara why do you thimk it is a
Sara why do you thimk it is a high inermediate project it looks quite simple and what paper did you use for this?
Submitted by Sara on 26 March 2010 - 10:33pm Permalink
Complexity and paper
I folded it from a 15cm square of kami. I haven't looked at the model for a while, but I guess there are a couple of trickier steps in the folding sequence. Might be intermediate, but definitely not simple.
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 6 May 2010 - 1:51am Permalink
i think intermediate would be correct...
Um... I think the Pegasus would be high intermediate... But the Chocobo would be at an intermediate range... Not too hard, actrally...
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