Scaled Koi (Robert J. Lang): Front View

Lang, Robert
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level: 
High intermediate
Model type: 
Square Grid
Sea Life
Tessellations and Fractals
Paper ratio: 

In September 2007 I challenged myself to fold a scaled koi within the next year. Well, it did not happen. But this weekend I met the challenge. I started on Friday afternoon, and finished today - Sunday afternoon. Rest assured, I took many long breaks, and indeed didn't work much on the fish at all on Saturday. Here's the result.
I recorded the whole folding process, and might make a 30-second or so time lapse out of it. I'm not sure yet, it's so much material!

In any case, I'm proud I managed to complete the fish. It's not perfect, but hey - I'm not Robert Lang. :)

Paper: 96cm square of Kozu, 45gsm (37.75 in)
Model: 52cm long, 37cm wide (including fins), 14cm high (20.5in by 14.5in by 5.5in)


thats great that uve finally made it could u get permission and show how to make the scales
i CANT believe u made it u must feel great acomplishment

Hi Sara!

The model looks fantastic! I love the look of it and your choice of paper adds to the overall effect too!

- Ancella

Thanks, I searched for that paper for years. Well, not constantly, but you know what I mean. ;)

-- Sara

can you make a tutorial of the scales???


yes please make a tutoriual of the scales iv got the book origami design secrets and can make one scales but i dont know how to make more ( i dont undersdtand the steps with sinked and unsinked -.-

never the less the koi looks a bit fat ^^ but its nice

WOW! Sara! Thats amazing!!! I knew you would of came back to this project.. it looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! =DDD... You should show us how to make it.. Well, first the scales(maybe just 1 or 4 scales) and then the koi... It was be awesome! And i am a high intermediate folder, so i would really really hope to see this go on your "plans"!! AMAZING JOB!!! =DDD

Great job! There is a point at which certain models look much too intimidating to fold. This model is sitting right around that point.

I remember seeing this in Lang's book and folding the diagrammed model, but then I turned the page and saw the incredible scaled model.

Congrats on your work! It really paid off.

Pretty fast folding!. The end results is quite good. For some reason, it looks like the tail is too small and the body too wide... Maybe you can perk up the body a bit w. some MC from the inside?

Anyway, I will try one sometime as well.

Apparently there isn't anything you can't fold! Wonderful job, inspirational -- I have to fold something today!

Could you tell me about the iron and hair dryer and whether or not you used a starch solution to strengthen the paper while you made some of the wet folds? Also, what type of paper did you use? Thanks! m

Hallo Sara,

Kannst du nicht bitte ein Video drehen, wie man diese Schuppen faltet? Ich komme mit dem Buch nicht klar. Die Bilder sind teils so klein und diese braune Farbe hilft auch nicht gerade. Ich möchte auch gerne so einen coolen, dicken Fisch haben :-)

Viele Grüße von Billi
¸.¸ ><((((º> . .¸
·.¸¸.·´¯´·.¸ ><((((º> .
·.¸><((((º> .¸¸·´¯´·.¸..¸

Hallo Billi,

Ja, ich möchte ein bis drei Videos dazu machen (Fisch, Schuppen, Schuppen auf den Fisch), aber ich weiß noch nicht genau wann.

-- Sara

You did so well! I'm still studying that model. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out how to fold the scale. Lang's book isn't easy reading. He doesn't give the step-by-step instructions for everything, and there's not for that particular scale design except a crease pattern. I think that's one beauty of the book -- it makes you think and solve. :-)

Hallo Sara,

vielen Dank für Deine Origami-Seite und die vielen inspirierenden Tutorials. Ich habe von Dir schon viele schöne Sachen gelernt (Clover folding, Hydrangea, water bomb tesselation).
Auch von deinen Zeitraffer-Videos wie diesem oder jenem von der Kuckucksuhr bin ich sehr beeindruckt.

Schon länger juckt es mich in den Fingern, einen Fisch mit Schuppen zu probieren. Insbesondere interessiert mich, wie man die Schuppen macht.

Mittlerweile bin ich auf eine etwas umständliche Lösung gekommen:

ERst mache ich Dragon scales nach Ryu Zin, also lauter so spitze, kleine Vierecke, die wie ein Schnabel auseinandergehen.

Dann falte ich die spitze jedes Viereckesin die Hälfte und drehe es nach innen um (so wie man das bei der Hydrangea auch machen muss).

Wenn die Spitze weg ist, taucht die Schicht darunter auf, zwei spitz zulaufende Zwickel, die falte ich nach innen.
Am Schluss kommt so was wie in diesem Bild raus.

Sind das die Koi-Falten?
Gibt es auch einfachere Methoden, dies zu bewerkstelligen?

Es gibt noch woanders auf dem Web einen bebilderte Anleitung zu den Koi-Falten, aber die scheinen grundsätzlich anders zu funktionnieren. Ich werde daraus nicht ganz schlau...

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