Submitted by Sara on 2 April 2010 - 11:06am
Kamiya, Satoshi
Table of contents:
Origami House (January 2005)
September 2007
Signed copy:
Signed details:
at 40th BOS Autumn 2007 Convention (Sept 2007)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 10 April 2010 - 7:02pm Permalink
Hey Sara do you think you're gonna try the wizard soon? It looks complex but not as much as the ancient dragon
Submitted by Sara on 10 April 2010 - 10:05pm Permalink
Have given it a try
I've folded the wizard, but it's been a long while since then. I wasn't happy enough with the fold to post a picture here, though.
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 11 April 2010 - 2:17pm Permalink
Whay don't you try again ? It
Whay don't you try again ? It will be very nice to post a picture now you have got more experience than then and probably it's going to be better than the fold you already did
Submitted by Sara on 11 April 2010 - 2:44pm Permalink
Not in the near future
Ah, these models take time to fold. And I fear I don't have as much time on my hands as I like. So I try to fold models I think I'll enjoy, and the ones that take hours are the first ones to be scratched off my list. :(
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 14 April 2010 - 12:33am Permalink
Please Help?
Yeah, in the book, on Step 46-47 in the Ancient Dragon instructions, can you please help me and tell me what to do? I have no idea how to make the pleat thing.
Submitted by Sara on 14 April 2010 - 8:40am Permalink
Check the Origami Forum
Please check for several pages of advice on steps for the ancient dragon. Also, if you're experiencing problems early on in the diagrams (yeah, step 46 is early on), this model might still be too big a challenge for you right now.
As to the step itself, it should be fairly straightforward. Fold the edge back up, while forming a pleat. Do this by pushing in the diagonal creases indicated on the left and right to make the paper pop up, thus going along the mountain fold and 2 valley folds indicated in the step.
-- Sara
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 3 August 2010 - 10:06pm Permalink
Yellow Bird
Hi Sara,
I hope you get time to fold the yellow bird. My friends and myself graduated with Computer Science degrees, so we're nerds and understand this is a Chocobo.
Submitted by Lekah (not verified) on 14 July 2011 - 3:43pm Permalink
I was wondering where i could buy a book of Satoshi Kamiya's online that includes diagrams of his very complex models. I am strongly inspired by his work and am wishing to enhance my origami skills!
Thanks :)
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 22 October 2012 - 1:55am Permalink
Satoshi Kamiya
There are multiple sites you can order it from. Here are some.
Origami Shop ( http://www.origami-s...)- ships all over the world, probably one of the best web sites for ordering stuff like this. The book pretty much costs $75 everywhere, but the shipping depends on how close to France you are. Very good site. They have a very nice service.
There is Origami USA (http://www.origamius...)- definitely not the best web site, and not a very good website for paper either, I would probably use this only as a "backup" site.
These are the ones I know about. There probably are more sites, so if you are not satisfied you could search more.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on 26 September 2012 - 3:59am Permalink
mammuthus primigenius
Hello, could I please get help on steps 45-51 of mammuthus primigenius (I do have the book).
Submitted by Langa (not verified) on 27 October 2014 - 10:21pm Permalink
Tree Frog
I love the look of Satoshi's tree frog, but can't seem to get steps 56 - 62 right, or 82 - 87. Does anyone have a short video tutorial showing these steps?