Submitted by Sara on 29 June 2012 - 8:43pm
Fuse, Tomoko
Adams, Sara
Model type:
Paper ratio:
Review of the paper used:

Paper: 20cm square of translucent paper
Paper: 20cm square of translucent paper
Submitted by Thomas K. (not verified) on 2 July 2012 - 12:05pm Permalink
"Translucent paper"
Hello Sara,
I'd really love to fold this model. But I still don't know where to get "translucent paper" in Germany (Mittelfranken)... I don't know a good shop for "Künstlerbedarf"...
Greetings from your fan
Submitted by Sara on 2 July 2012 - 2:26pm Permalink
Try this
Actually, try going to a Kaufhof or something of the like and go to the stationary section. They sell "Transparentpapier" for kids crafts - usually you find it with the arts supplies for school children. That paper should work well enough for these spirals.
As to the paper I'm using, I bought it from the BOS: http://supplies.brit... - but you can also buy it from Amazon. I think is exactly the same paper.
-- Sara
Submitted by Griffin (not verified) on 2 August 2012 - 2:29am Permalink
Hello Sara, I Really love the
Hello Sara,
I Really love the spiral models that you have made. I think they look so beautiful. I made the Navel Shell you made a tutorial on and i was wondering if you could make a tutorial on this model! I really want to learn it because it looks simple yet it looks very beautiful. I would get the book but i just don't have the money to get it. So i was hoping if you could try to make a tutorial on this beautiful model. I will appriciate it very much if you could. Thank You
Submitted by Sara on 2 August 2012 - 10:41pm Permalink
Sorry to disappoint you
Not for now at least. I feel like I've done quite a bit around the book already, so I want to give the book some time to shine for itself. I do want people to buy it, after all. :) Hope you understand.
-- Sara
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