Scholz, Robin

designed by Robin Scholz

Celtic Circle (Robin Scholz): Single Molecule

Scholz, Robin
Adams, Sara
Review of the paper used: 

Paper: hexagon with a height of 24 cm (9.5 in), red Elephant Hide
Model: hexagon with a height of 16cm (6.33 in)

Here you can see the difference between normal lighting and backlighting the Celtic Circle molecule.

Celtic Circle (Robin Scholz): Single Molecule, backlit

Scholz, Robin
Adams, Sara
Review of the paper used: 

Paper: hexagon with a height of 24 cm (9.5 in), red Elephant Hide
Model: hexagon with a height of 16cm (6.33 in)

This nicely shows that even with backlighting the front and reverse of a tessellation gives different results.
