Submitted by Sara on 5 March 2017 - 12:01pm
Okabe, Nobuko
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Model type:
16 units
Paper ratio:

Paper: 16 × 15cm square of printer paper, colored with wax
Model: diameter of 16cm
This time, I used paper where I only colored the corners (1/4 circle, up to about 1/3 of the width in). As I used wax to color the paper, it stained my fingers and in turn the white parts of the paper. To some it may look messy, but I actually think it adds an artistic touch to it.
Submitted by Boris Karloff (not verified) on 11 May 2017 - 8:20pm Permalink
Fantastic job, Sara!
Fantastic job, Sara!
What type of wax did you use to color the paper? I think it looks wonderful!
Submitted by Sara on 12 May 2017 - 5:14pm Permalink
Stabilo Woody
These are the wax pencils I used: https://www.stabilo....
I bought them for my kids a while ago and think they are fantastic. So for this project, I borrowed a couple of colors. :)
-- Sara
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