Submitted by Sara on 8 September 2018 - 7:12am
Nakashima, Jo
Adams, Sara
Difficulty Level:
Model type:
Paper ratio:
Review of the paper used:

Yay! After 11 years and over 450 videos full of love for folding paper, my channel has surpassed 100,000 subscribers.
Thanks to all of you for your ongoing support - from the very first to the latest subscriber, and everyone watching without being subscribed.
Making these videos takes time and effort, but your appreciation makes all the work worth it.
What do you think, will I reach 1 million subscribers eventually and get a gold play button?!
Help me enjoy the journey there by sharing my channel and my website with others. After all, we all need a bit of happy folding in our lives. :)
Tutorial for the YouTube Play Button by Jo Nakashima
Tutorial for the 3D Frame (I modified it to the ratio I wanted to achieve)
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